Doodles of Louisiana
Puppy Selection & Go Home Time
First, let me preface by saying a huge "Thank You!" for choosing us for your new baby. We understand there are many programs that you could have gotten a puppy from, but we appreciate that you saw something special in ours and gave us a shot. We put so much work, and effort into our puppies. Below is a detailed list to help you understand how our selection process takes place, along with go home information.

Step 1:
How do we choose?
During the first few weeks, we will post pictures and updates on the Doodles Family page & Public Page. This is how we communicate with everyone at the same time, to make things easier on us. At 6 weeks of age we bring our puppies to the vet, and after the Vet clears them we will begin selections with the first pick. We will go in order of each deposit. Please be patient with this step, as we try not to rush anyone that is choosing. This process can take a few days. We do not do in person selections as this would take an extreme amount of time, and we all work full time jobs.
Instead, we provide thorough videos and pictures of each puppy so that you can get a good look at the puppies, their temperaments, etc.
We always love seeing who everyone will choose!

Step 2:
I've Chosen my Puppy,
Now what?
At this time Jonathan will reach out to you to arrange your go home times. We try to arrange what works best for you, but keep in mind we have several puppies going home on these days, so please try to block go home weekend off on your calendar so that you can be flexible to work with us as we have very busy lives. Since we are both very active in our church, Sundays are usually not the best day for us. Please keep this in mind. We will work with you to try and find a day that works for everyone. We offer delivery, & can give you a quote on the cost to your address.

Step 3:
Getting Prepared for
a New Puppy!
So you've now selected your puppy, you've arranged go home, now what? Before go home you will receive a contract to sign. You will receive this in your e-mail. It outlines our strict spay/neuter policy, etc. You will not be able to pickup your puppy, until this is signed. The next step is to visit our products page, to see what food you need, and also some treats and toys recommendations. You can click products above on the menu, to view a small go home shopping list that should help you get started with the essentials. Lastly, payments. How do we pay? We accept Cash preferably, or checks on go home day. Checks to be written out to Doodles of Louisiana. Your Balance is $2,700 if you paid your $300 Deposit. Again, thank you for choosing us for your furbaby!
We do offer delivery by (Vehicle & Flight Nanny Services),
to get a quote feel free to ask.
Flight Nanny Services are usually $750-$1,000
Depending on date and flights available.
We fly the puppies out of New Orleans, Louisiana Airport MSY.
Thanks again,
Doodles of Louisiana